We’re fortunate to work with some of the best clients around, and would love for you to become a partner. Our team includes experts from many fields who are ready to help develop and grow your business. From ideation to execution, we have vast experience throughout. Check out our client list below and get in touch with questions.

Business advisory services, custom instructional design and facilitation services for entrepreneurial program for small businesses

Business advisory services for businesses in One Million Black Women Program a national business accelerator

Business advisory services for businesses in Black Women’s Entrepreneurial Leadership (BWEL) Program, a national business accelerator for black women entrepreneurs

PEO and human resources services for contractors, site operators and consultants across the country in support of EPA contract (subcontractor)

Instructional design and facilitation services for custom training program for public procurement officials

Research and writing services for white paper

PEO and human resources services for contractors, site operators and consultants across the country in support of EPA contract (subcontractor)

Provided instructional design and facilitation services for Supplier Diversity Training Institute (SDTI), a national training program for supplier diversity and procurement professionals –

Business advisory services for small businesses in Partner to Empower Program, a national business accelerator

Course facilitation on Linked In platform

Provide entrepreneurship education training

Facilitation services for the Emerging Leaders Program, a national accelerator for small businesses (subcontractor)

Facilitation and training services for national supplier diversity team

Project management and event management support for annual global film festival

Provide supplier diversity program implementation and project management support for Facilities Department

Instructional design and facilitation for entrepreneurship programs for women